Have you ever wondered who you truly are at soul level? OR What are you doing here on earth? OR What is your purpose in life OR What do you bring to the world?
These are just some of the questions that we can answer by having an Akashic Soul Healing reading. We can access your Akashic Record to discover your Soul’s divinity, potential and clear any negative karmic blocks or restrictions you are experiencing now that are stopping you from living the life that you want today by bringing your soul into alignment with who you are at soul level.
The term Akashic Records is derived from the Sanskrit word “Akasha” meaning ‘ether’. In Hindi, “Akash” means ‘sky’ or ‘heaven’ and can be described as an energetic database (rather like the world-wide-web) that stores every choice our soul has ever made. Choices happen at the level of Action and when the choices that you make are in alignment with your Soul the result of your choices will always be Abundance – either in health, physical vitality, money, fulfilment and/or time.
The Akashic Soul Healing reading will allow you to gather spiritual information, knowledge and understanding about your soul and, what is truly transformational about this work is, by LIVING your life in accordance with your soul’s divinity and utilising your Divine Gifts, you can create the life you want to live and attract the abundance in your life that you desire.
Want to learn more? Book a Reading here:
Please contact me If you have any questions or would like further information.