What is Reiki?
What is Reiki?
Pronounced ’Ray Key’, meaning Universal Life Energy, Reiki is a natural energy healing system, founded by Mikao Usui in Japan over a 100 years ago, to assist the body’s own natural ability to heal itself. It is a safe, non-invasive system that is beneficial to everyone.
How does it work?
The universal life energy is channelled through the Practitioner by placing their hands, or hovering, over key energy centres of the body. It works on all levels of the mind, body, emotion and spirit allowing total harmony and balance to be restored. There are no side-effects to a reiki treatment.
What is the Evidence for Reiki?
Clients often report feelings of warmth and deep relaxation promoting a calm and peaceful sense of emotional well-being. Reiki can be safely used in conjunction with allopathic or conventional medicine and may help to speed up recovery times and reduce any uncomfortable symptoms following surgery. Reiki can also complement many different forms of healing treatments and can often help the healing process e.g. homoeopathy, acupuncture, reflexology to name a few.
When used in conjunction with medical treatment, Reiki may assist those struggling with anxiety, depression or pain. Indeed, a recently published research article by Reiki Medic-Care, to which I am proud to have participated in as a Practitioner, actually showed decreased Stress, Anxiety, Pain and increased Wellbeing and Sleep Quality.
To read the research paper: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/27536130231187368
For more information on Reiki-Medic Care Research: http://www.reikimedic-care.org/research
Other Sources of research: https://www.reikifed.co.uk/reiki-info/research/
How long does a treatment last and how much does it cost?
Approx. 1 hour although the first treatment will include a brief consultation for the Practitioner to assess your needs and requirements so please allow 1 1/2 hours for this appointment, remaining treatments will last 1 hour. The cost is £65.
How many treatments will I need?
Entirely up to you. Everyone heals at different timescales, especially chronic illnesses which may take a longer time period to heal. Generally speaking some prefer to have a few treatments quite quickly and then come back for monthly top-ups in order to maintain a healthy body & mind.
What happens during a treatment?
Reiki is an extremely relaxing and rejuvenating experience and is personal to each individual. Clients are requested to lie on a couch, fully clothed, and invited to close their eyes and relax listening to soothing background music. During this time the Reiki energy will flow through to your energy centres. Some feel a calming heat, some feel a soothing coolness but be assured it will be perfect for you.
What about Aftercare?
It is recommended that you drink plenty of water post treatment and try to relax for the rest of the day and avoid alcohol. Most feel a sense of wellbeing after their treatment, however, should you have any concerns then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Are Reiki Practitioners Regulated?
As a member of the UK Reiki Federation practitioners are bound by a Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice. The UK Reiki Federation is self-regulated and approved by the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council. All treatments are carried out in the strictest confidence.
A Brief History of Reiki
Mikao Usui founded the Reiki energy system in the late 19th century. Born in Japan, into a wealthy Buddhist family, his interest in medicine and self healing led to him travelling around the world in search of a new system, ending back in Japan where he became a Tendai Buddhist monk in a monastery near Mount Kurama.
Mikao subsequently attended Isyu Guo, a 21 day training course, where he fasted, meditated and prayed in a cave on Mount Kurama. On the 21st day he had a mystical experience and saw the ancient Sanskrit symbols which founded the Reiki healing system currently used today.
Mikao subsequently set up a clinic in Kyoto to help relieve the suffering to the beggars in the district. The success of this new healing system, whose primary focus was to heal oneself (1st Degree), was subsequently extended across the country and then the world.
Before his death in 1926 Mikao trained 16 Reiki Masters but it was Dr Chujiro Hayashi who ensured his legacy would live on in the “Usui Shiki Ryoho” form of Reiki. Hayashi, developed the healing system further and trained 14 Reiki Masters one of whom was Mrs Haywood Takata, a Japanese-American, who brought Reiki to the West and became Hayashi’s successor. Mrs Hayashi attuned 22 Reiki Masters including her Granddaughter, Phyllis Furumoto, who was the “Grand Master” until her death. In 2019 Johannes Reindl was appointed as Grand Master and Lineage Bearer of the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki system.
The Usui Shiki Ryoho system comprises four key aspects: Healing Practice; Personal Development; Spiritual Discipline and Mystic order.
These aspects accompany a central core of practice and philosophy referred to as the Nine Elements which encompass: Oral Tradition; Spiritual Lineage; History; Initiation, Symbols, Treatment, Form of Teaching, Monetary Exchange and the following Precepts:
The combination of all the Elements and Aspects and their inter-relationships creates the Usui Shiki Ryoho healing system which has a proven, predictable capacity to take people along a profound path of healing, growth and spiritual deepening.
Please contact me If you have any questions or would like further information.
My Reiki lineage
Dr Mikao Usui
Dr Chujiro Hayashi
Hawayo Takata
Phyllis Lei Furumoto
Lucy Reed
Pennie Quaile
Anne-Marie Carratu
Sarah Robinson
Just for today
- We will let go of anger
- We will let go of worry
- We will work hard
- We will be kind to others
- We will be grateful